I spent my morning completing a re-architecture of my websites and creating a third one. I’ve decided the new site map helps me create 3 distinct voices with each one having its own creativity and brand. So here goes…. My Novel’s Website https://theglassfamily.wordpress.com for my novel “Watching a Glass Shatter”Continue Reading

4 stars to “Madam Secretary’s” Season 3, Episode 6 “The Statement.” This season started off a little shaky but has been growing much stronger. I look forward to each new episode unlike the prior season where it sat waiting in the DVR station. Story Henry’s former asset, Dmitri, has gone rogue.Continue Reading

5 stars to Netflix’s original series “The Crown,” episode 7: “Scientia Potentia Est,” about Queen Elizabeth II’s reign of the United Kingdom — the early years. I may have found a temporary, suitable replacement for “Downton Abbey.” Story A chronicle of the last days of King George VI before his unpreparedContinue Reading

4 stars to “Scream Queens” Season 2 – Episode 9 “Lovin the D.” The long-missed well-balanced camp in this week’s episode was on back with a vengeance. And I was thrilled. Where else can I laugh at the silliness of so many characters that actually remind me of some peopleContinue Reading

Folks often post their thoughts and reasons why they choose to read, but it is with less frequency they attempt to explain why they want to write a book review. Let’s see if I can do some justice in that respect…Continue Reading

The cozy mystery series genre is my favorite type of book — hands down, I even dream about them.  While I’m an invested fan of general fiction, historical fiction, crime thrillers and general mysteries, the cozy is that old faithful friend guaranteed to make my day just a little bit betterContinue Reading

I went to sleep last night around 10:30 after a great evening talking about life and jobs with a friend.  I wasn’t quite tired enough to fall asleep but planned to coax sleep along.  Well… that didn’t happen.  I tossed and turned most of the night thinking about re-designing theContinue Reading