I’m excited to share the news that my next book, Hiding Cracked Glass, will be going on a book tour courtesy of Digital Reads Blog Tours. You might’ve seen some of the posts or social media this past weekend, but today I’m promoting it on my blog and author website.Continue Reading

The German translation of the debut book in the Braxton Campus Mysteries, Academic Curveball, is available as a .99 Kindle download from 8/5 thru 8/9. This book won a Best Fiction award and was the #1 downloaded Kindle book in the highest possible category in February 2019 during the initialContinue Reading

Today I’m thrilled to reveal the cover of my next book, Hiding Cracked Glass. This contemporary fiction family drama is the sequel to Watching Glass Shatter and part of the Perceptions of Glass series. With the help of a few friends and bunches of amazing bloggers working with Shalini @Continue Reading

Broken Heart Attack, the second book in the Braxton Campus Mysteries, will be available for only .99 as a Kindle purchase from 7/22 thru 7/26. You can purchase via Amazon here. You can also find the book translated in other languages. Praise for this one from reviewers: ★★★★★ – “Upbeat andContinue Reading

Coração Partido (Mistérios do Campus Braxton Livro 2) (Portuguese Edition) — Broken Heart Attack, the second book in the Braxton Campus Mysteries — will be available for only .99 as a Kindle purchase from 5/1 thru 5/5. You can purchase via Amazon here. Praise for this one from reviewers: ★★★★★ –Continue Reading

Five days ago, I shared a surprise post about my next book. If you missed it… check it out here: My co-author also shared a post on his/her blog, and together, we asked you to figure out who we were secretly working with… who’s excited to discover my secret co-author?Continue Reading

he debut book in the Braxton Campus Mysteries, Academic Curveball, is available as a FREE Kindle download from 6/5 thru 6/9. This book won a Best Fiction award and was the #1 downloaded Kindle book in the highest possible category in February 2019 during the initial promotion. There are nowContinue Reading

Not only were many of the books in the Braxton Campus Mysteries discounted to .99 this week, but the 5th book, Haunted House Ghost, is also available as a Kindle download for only .99 from 5/29 thru 6/2. To take advantage of this discount, visit Amazon via this link. Overview ofContinue Reading

Father Figure is a .99 Kindle download from 5/23 thru 5/27 – help yourselves! Thank you so much for your support in sharing, downloading, reading, and reviewing. I appreciate it! You should pick it up before the virtual book club coming up soon… check it out @ Download @ http://mybook.to/FatherFigure forContinue Reading

The 4th book in the Braxton Campus Mysteries, Mistaken Identity Crisis, is available for only .99 as a Kindle download from May 21st thru 25th. If you haven’t experienced this mystery and family drama, get it now via Amazon. Overview: A clever thief with a sinister calling card has invaded BraxtonContinue Reading