My rating: 4 of 5 stars to William Shakespeare‘s famous play, Richard III, one of his “War of the Roses” tragedies produced in the 16th century in England. People have generally heard of this King, and know more about him than they realize, but he is not one of the moreContinue Reading

Thankful: pleased, expressing gratitude and relief Easter has come and gone, and for many of us, we remember how thankful we are for all the things we have in our life, the favors people have done for us and the blessings we have around us. For the last five days, I’veContinue Reading

Genealogist: One who is actively engaged in the study or investigation of ancestry and family histories We’ve made it through another week and on this fifth Sunday, it’s time to wrap up the first month’s focus on my genealogical heritage. See below for a picture of my Ancestry DNA results.Continue Reading

Judgmental: having or displaying an excessively critical point of view Today is gonna be a tough one… while I will be honest in everything I include in my post, I wonder (now as I begin writing this) how much I will actually reveal versus holding back any thoughts. I know IContinue Reading

Strong: having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks, or able to withstand great pressure I wonder if we have mis-used the word ‘strong’ during everyday conversation, or perhaps it is just me. I often use the word strong to mean mentally capable of handlingContinue Reading

Defensive: (1) very anxious to challenge or avoid criticism, or (2) used or intended to defend or protect The best explanation I could give for how I have been known to be defensive is a work-related situation. One of my mentors, who knew me quite well, once pulled me out of aContinue Reading

My rating: 4 of 5 stars to The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien‘s first novel in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, later made into a billion dollar movie franchise. I count myself lucky to have been able to read this book before it became a movie, though I lovedContinue Reading

Impartial: treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just At a quick glance, is there any reason for someone not to be impartial? Isn’t fair and just the right way to live, part of the American Constitution (for international readers, I’m sure there is something a bit similar for you,Continue Reading

Sensitive: (1) having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings, or (2) quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences Being called “sensitive” can be both a compliment and a judgment, sometimes all at once. If someone is sweet, caring and thoughtful, (s)he’d be calledContinue Reading

My rating: 3 of 5 stars to Maggie James‘s novel, After She’s Gone, a new thriller and suspense novel released on March 16, 2017. I was tempted to give it a 4, but since it’s the first read by this author and left a few open concerns, I’m settling on aContinue Reading