365 Challenge: Day 30 – Sensitive

Sensitive: (1) having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings, or (2) quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences

Being called “sensitive” can be both a compliment and a judgment, sometimes all at once.

  • If someone is sweet, caring and thoughtful, (s)he’d be called a sensitive person as praise, but it can also mean they’re too sugary and weak if their feelings are hurt quickly.
  • If someone is easily able to notice a change, (s)he’d be called sensitive to their surroundings, but it can also mean they are unable to tolerate change well.

At some point in my life, I think I’ve noticed all four of those interpretations when it comes to my personality or behavior.

  • I was very considerate, always called such a sweet and sensitive boy as a child. I was very innocent, but I’m much more worldly and mature now — a loss of innocence as one ages.
  • I can also have my feelings hurt rather quickly over some situations, potentially even holding grudges (a topic for another day). It’s much less now, maybe even quite rare for it to happen, but at one time, I was highly sensitive in a negative manner.
  • I’m usually sensitive to conversational or behavioral changes in other people. I notice the slightest alteration in tone or volume, if eyes are looking around or the subject starts to veer in a different direction. Perceptive is the way to describe it.
  • On occasion, I have been too sensitive to change, unwilling to accept it. I’d look for ways to hold on to the past, so as not to have to tolerate something different.

In the featured image is a picture of Augusto Cury, a Brazilian physician, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, writer and researcher in the area of quality of life and development of intelligence, who developed researches unrelated to universities focused on the theory of Multifocal Intelligence. The theory aims to explain the functioning of the human mind and the ways to exercise more dominion over our life through intelligence and thought. He said, “The sensitive suffer more, but they love more and dream more.” (Thanks Wiki)

This is not Cury, but Darwin talked about it, too.

I wholeheartedly agree with his statement, and I consider myself a sensitive human being. There are some areas where I am ultra sensitive, and a few where I’ve let those emotions weaken. Let’s cover a few examples:

  • I am unable to sleep on my left side, most of the time, because it enables me to hear and feel my heart beating. The sound of my heart beating scares me because I’m afraid one day, it will just stop. As soon as I sense one or two beats, I must shift positions, as I am very sensitive to that sensation.

So tempted to show a real one, but I didn’t!

  • For a long time, though I am neither Jewish nor impacted in any direct way (in my family) by the Holocaust, I was unable to watch or read anything about that time period. Perhaps I was impacted in a past life (I am very big on past life theories… another topic, another day), but the thought of an interment camp, the Nazis or the tortures are too much for me to think about. It took “The Book Thief” for me to become a little less sensitive.

  • When I do not win something, or I don’t get the job I wanted, or receive a rejection of any sort, I immediately tense up. My entire body shrinks a few centimeters, inside itself… I wince. I begin to hum in my mind, willing myself to accept it and move on. Accepting “no” is not easy for me, and it takes direct focus for a few seconds to a few minutes (and sometimes days depending on the importance of the item) for me to move forward.

How about you? Are you sensitive about any specific things… feelings… physical or emotional? Don’t leave me hanging out here all alone!

About Me & the “365 Daily Challenge”

I’m Jay. I am 40 and live in NYC. By profession, I work in technology. By passion, I work in writing. I’ve always been a reader. And now I’m a daily blogger. I decided to start my own version of the “365 Daily Challenge” where since March 13, 2017, I’ve posted a characteristic either I currently embody or one I’d like to embody in the future. 365 days of reflection to discover who I am and what I want out of life.

The goal: Knowledge. Acceptance. Understanding. Optimization. Happiness. Help. For myself. For others. And if all else fails, humor. When I’m finished in one year, I hope to have more answers about the future and what I will do with the remainder of my life. All aspects to be considered. It’s not just about a career, hobbies, residence, activities, efforts, et al. It’s meant to be a comprehensive study and reflection from an ordinary man. Not a doctor. Not a therapist. Not a friend. Not an encyclopedia full of prior research. Just pure thought, a blogged journal with true honesty.

Join the fun and read a new post each day, or check out my book reviews, TV/Film reviews or favorite vacation spots. And feel free to like, rate, comment or take the poll for each post.

No Comments

  1. The Book Thief gave me a whole new outlook on the Holocaust and both sides that were affected. It was moving, inspiring, and how many times is one going to come across a book narrated by the Grim Reaper?
    I am sensitive to others’ hurts and pain (both physical and emotional) to the point that I often shoulder their burden whether they ask/want me to become involved or not. It is hard for me to realize and accept that sometimes I am unable to DO something to make things better for them. I am just at this late age learning to pray that god will shoulder their pain/burden and let it go rather than making myself sick over it. That is an unhealthy sensitivity to have.

    1. Author

      Very true. You can lend an ear from time to time, but you can’t let it impact you to much that you get sick. So caring and generous. Very admirable. Grim Reaper… yes. I think it’s such a great concept.

  2. Amazing post, James. I’m sensitive to everything and have always worn my feelings on my shoulders. I feel like it’s something I’m getting better at, but so very slowly. 😉

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