365 Challenge: Day 4 – Creativity

Creativity: the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work

Everyone has a creative side; it’s about how creative you are as an individual versus what it is you are creative in. Some of us have creative jobs but lack creativity in our personal lives. Others have your stuffy corporate career but a few exhilarating passions where your creativity knows no bounds.

I have traditionally held non-creative positions throughout my career: technical writer, business analyst, project manager, SVP of Technology, VP of Program Management, et al. And in those positions, it was generally about “how much can I get done in how quick of a period with the biggest positive impact?” Every so often I’d include a fun picture in my presentation or a cute quote in a semi-casual email. But for the most part, I was non-creative.

In my personal life… 50/50. I like to clean and organize things. Everything has a place and must be put back in it as soon as you are done. I struggle with expanding my taste outside of a few certain colors (black, white, grey and brown); well, in truth, I’m a lot better these days. I have a bunch of orange and yellow and blue in my apartment. And purple has always intrigued me. But not in my wardrobe very often.

So where’s my creativity? That’s easy! I’m a writer. I could make up a story about any character, setting or plot and have a thorough vision in my mind of what it would be. I can create a family tree full of wicked and loving characters with a history of complexity among their relationships. I can say things I wish I could say to someone in reality. I am really good in this area – and before you think I’m getting egotistical, don’t even go there. I’m just acknowledging a strength I’ve… mastered? No… polished? No… CREATED!

But in truth, it’s one of the only creative aspects about me. I tend to look for the most direct solution, but I am capable of challenging myself to find something alternative that’s got… a flair? If I’m unable to convince someone of an opinion or decision, I search for another method. If my audience prefers visual, then I’ll figure out how to present visually. So I am creative in my approach, just not as my primary drive.

Confession for today: I wish I could sing or play a musical instrument. But alas, I am tone deaf. I cannot remember words to songs and therefore make up my own. I couldn’t tell a harmony from a chorus. Nor do I care, I suppose. Because for me, it’s not about the educational or institutional side of music. It’s about the creativity that can be unleashed in words or sounds.

How often have you been in a bad mood when you heard a song that pulled you out of it immediately? Don’t you frequently put music on just to listen to music even if you’re not doing anything else but sitting there with your ears attuned?

The violin or the piano would be my go to instrument, in addition to singing, of course. Drums don’t really do it for me. Nor does a guitar. Yes, certain chords (ah, I do know a few terms) or beats from those instruments are pretty intoxicating, but the piano and the violin have moved me to tears and utter excitement at times.

But when I think about this type of creativity, it’s really an essential part of life. It’s as necessary as choosing the direct and expedient path in some ways. And it’s present in everything we do, even in some of those basic corporate jobs. In managing my department’s finances, I looked for ways to maximize efficiency and costs: I found creative ways to make it happen. And I found creative ways to track it. Note, creative as in fun and positive – not illegal. Don’t go thinking I’m some sort of Al Capone Jr.!

So… as I look towards my next job, I think creativity is more important. No, I’m not going into years of training to become an opera singer (although… that might be an interesting challenge). But I think shifting the balance so it’s a little more creative is becoming the target. Publishing intrigues me… I could spend my entire day talking about books and writing.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the last few months of downtime. I’ve read nearly one hundred books. I’ve created 3 websites (professional, for my book, and creative). I’ve dived into social media and begun posting stuff all over the place (even about me, like this challenge)! Maybe I’m not so shy after all… and that’s going to be tomorrow’s characteristic.

To Be or Not To Be: Shy, that is, the question.

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