Review: Life As We Knew It

Life As We Knew It
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m all for the “survival of the fittest when tragedy strikes” novels. I normally like the hardcore kind. Given this was a young adult novel, I didn’t expect it to be graphic, violent or truly horrific which is why I went into it expecting more light-hearted fiction — and that’s what I got. Nothing too clever or deep, but it did make me sad a few times.

The characters are basic, the plot typical for this type of novel. The science of it all could be valid; I’m not exactly sure what I’d expect to happen if an asteroid hit the moon and caused it to completely change the climate of the earth. Good description of the new type of snow and lack of sunlight.

What I hoped we got more of was the impact on the rest of the country. I get that the point of the book is what specifically happens to this one family, but the author just throws out most of the eastern seaboard is washed away and hundreds of thousands of people died. I would have expected millions to die in NYC alone since the impact took all of 5 minutes — no one had time to run for cover. I want to know what happens to the country as a whole… but maybe that’s going beyond the border of the series.

In the end, I find myself wanting to see what happens to the family in the next book so the author has done well!
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